Community Involvement

CSP‑Sacramento donates over $2k to food bank

CSP-Sacramento staff donates $2,200 to Twin Lakes Food Bank.
From left are Twin Lakes Food Bank Office Manager Melania Waugh and Executive Director Lisa Tuter, CSP-SAC Community Resource Manager (A) Breanna Hernandez and Community Partnership Unit staff Siobhan Barbee and Marcella Stanfield.

When CSP-Sacramento donates to the Twin Lakes Food Bank, the act benefits the incarcerated and the community.

The Facility A event followed pandemic guidelines, raising over $2,200. After pausing fundraisers, they restarted again in May. Since then, nearly $20,000 has been donated to charity.

The Twin Lakes Food Bank helps mobilize the community to provide food and support to those in need. Every month, the food bank provides 85,000 pounds of food to 1,900 people from the greater Folsom area.

In addition to the food bank, CSP-Sacramento also donates to the Boy Scouts of America, Special Olympics of Northern California and Make-A-Wish.

By Lt. Erik Altvatter

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