California Model, Rehabilitation

MCRP enjoys Day at the Park

Male Community Reentry Program (MCRP) Los Angeles recently held a Day at the Park at Lake Balboa/Anthony C. Beilenson Park. About 90 MCRP participants attended the park event.

Activities for the day included:

  • bike riding
  • boat riding
  • fishing
  • board games
  • sports.

MCRP rented several bikes and boats for all staff and participants to enjoy a bike ride around the park or a boat ride on the lake. Many participants played board games, soccer, and football while others fished on the lake.

Amity staff provided barbecue grills and cooked hamburgers and hotlinks for all in attendance. A special thank you to Los Angles City Councilmember Eunisses Hernandez who provided three charter buses to transport participants to the park.

“I believe events such as this are great for reintegration into the community and assist with the rehabilitative process. This event was a success thank you to all partnerships including DRP, DAPO, Amity and the Los Angeles City Council,” said Jorge Moreno, MCRP Captain.

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