Chris Redlitz

Co-Founder, The Last Mile

Chris Redlitz

Chris Redlitz is a serial entrepreneur and managing partner of Transmedia Capital, a top performing San Francisco based venture fund.

In 2010, Chris and his wife Beverly Parenti co-founded The Last Mile (TLM), a California based non-profit launched in San Quentin to provide business and technology training. Today it is considered one of the most progressive prison education programs in the country, currently operating 26 classrooms in 7 states, with 4 additional states to open classrooms in 2023. TLM graduates have an 87% employment rate, working for companies including Slack, SiriusXM, Zoom, VMWare, Dropbox, Plaid, GoodRx, Pilot, Cash App, Lob, Bitwise, Checkr, and more. TLM’s curriculum includes computer coding, audio and video production, entrepreneurship and various industry certifications.

Chris will bring his vast experience of creating scalable companies, programs, and successful reentry to the San Quentin Transformation Advisory Council.