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How to search Inside CDCR

A screenshot of how to search for specific items on Inside CDCR.
Using the search function on Inside CDCR, enter a code to limit your search only to the newsletter.

By OPEC staff

When Inside CDCR’s website merged with the official CDCR website, there were some changes. One of the biggest was how to search for past articles. CDCR’s Office of the Webmaster has created a few options to make this task easier.

See all the stories

There is now an option to see all the most recent stories, in all categories, in one spot. To scroll through stories in a specific category, simply click the button at the bottom of each one and start exploring. On the homepage for Inside CDCR, there is a new green button for “See All Stories.” Or at the bottom of the left-hand navigation menu, you will also see it listed as an option.

Search using keywords

If you recall seeing a story about a person or a specific topic, use the search function on this site but first add site:cdcr.ca.gov/insidecdcr followed by a few keywords. This will limit your search to Inside CDCR, rather than pulling up results from across the full CDCR website. For example, site:cdcr.ca.gov/insidecdcr above the call

Still have questions? Email editor Don Chaddock (found in Global).