Community Involvement

State workers unite in March to fight homelessness

Volunteers in blue t-shirts pack boxes with food.
Americcorps volunteers are seeking the help of state workers for a day of action to combat homelessness.

By California Volunteers

In March, Governor Gavin Newsom is calling on state workers to help charitable organizations combat homelessness. California Volunteers launched to connect Californians and organizations with opportunities to help homeless populations in communities near them.

A day to help the most vulnerable Californians

Earlier this year, Governor Newsom called on every Californian to be part of the solution to tackling homelessness in their communities by launching a statewide day of action on César Chávez Day (March 31). California Volunteers is collaborating with nonprofit organizations throughout the state to provide service opportunities, raise awareness of what anyone can do to fight homelessness, and to support people without housing or shelter.

The César Chávez Day of Action is intended to inspire thousands of Californians to come together to serve the most vulnerable in their community and encourage individuals to tackle homelessness in their communities. Californians from all walks of life – business owners, residents, community leaders, and nonprofits – in all our 58 counties will volunteer at local community organizations by serving meals, packaging produce, sorting clothes, beautifying sites, and collecting food and clothing.

This will be an opportunity for Californians to familiarize themselves with the homelessness challenge that California faces and to build a relationship with a local nonprofit that they can volunteer with in the future beyond the day of action.

The call to action for all Californians

The state’s more than 4,000 AmeriCorps members will be activated to engage the issue of homelessness in communities near them by volunteering in service providing organizations. Food banks, social service providers, and other nonprofits that provide services to the most vulnerable Californians will be making opportunities to volunteer available for residents and organizations across the state. All Californians are urged to focus on where and how they can start with supporting the fight to end homelessness. 

Why Serve on César Chávez Day?

César Chávez recognized the power of service and helping communities in need. He said, “We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community… our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.” Your service honors Chávez’s life and teachings and helps address community challenges. Service brings people together of all ages and backgrounds.