Inside CDCR Video, Rehabilitation

Bike refurbishing program is year‑long effort

Frank Jachwak refurbished 180 bikes for community

Throughout 2022, incarcerated person Frank Jachwak spent much of his time in the Folsom State Prison (FSP) workshop in the bike refurbishing program. The repaired bicycles are donated to the community. At the same time, he is nurturing a craft he is passionate about. (Watch the video below.)

Jachwak refurbished over 180 bicycles donated to the community during the annual holiday bicycle distribution event at FSP on Dec. 19.

(Read about the distribution event.)

The bicycle donation is a Christmas tradition that began in 1986. Throughout the year, the Cameron Park Rotary Club collaborates with the El Dorado Disposal Recycling Program and City of Folsom to save discarded bikes bound for the landfill. Then, the bikes are delivered to the prison bike workshop. Once there, they are rehabbed to be ride-ready and ultimately distributed to the community during the holiday season.

Jachwak said the program is a win-win, as he enjoys tinkering away while also giving back to the community.

While holding immense rehabilitative power by giving the incarcerated person an opportunity to make positive contributions, the bike program also unites the community and institution in a common goal of giving back. It takes numerous organizations to make this monumental effort a success including the Rotary Club of Cameron Park, Folsom Moose Lodge #2009 and the Folsom Cordova Unified School District.

Story by Alia Cruz, Information Officer
Video by Jeff Baur, Director, Television Communications Center (Specialist)

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