California Model, Rehabilitation

HDSP holds four graduations in a week

Four graduations were held at HDSP.
Students celebrated their achievements in four separate graduations at HDSP.

High Desert State Prison (HDSP) hosted four graduations in one week, recognizing students who met their rehabilitative goals.

The graduations took place on four separate facilities in level II, III and IV.  The degrees of accomplishment ranged from students receiving their general education and High School diplomas to earning associate and bachelor’s degrees.

The graduation ceremonies were possible thanks to collaboration involving students, CDCR administration and HDSP Education staff.

The graduates received their diplomas in front of family, friends, and staff.  While many family members attended, the ceremony was also live-streamed for those who couldn’t be there in person.

Principal Baldwin said she looks forward to celebrating the students’ accomplishments each year. She also thanked the incredible staff behind the scenes who make education a success.

Warden St. Andre welcomed graduates, guests, and staff at the beginning of the graduations.

“With all the challenges you face every day, I am proud that you want to better yourself. When I think of the California Model, I think of education,” he said. “It all starts right here with you as a student sitting in that seat, accomplishing a goal, and preparing yourself for normalization.”

One graduate thanked CDCR, teachers and his family for allowing this day to come.

“I never thought I would be able to receive a diploma and finish school,” he said. “I have everyone here to thank for that.”

Receptions followed the four HDSP graduations, allowing students, guests, and staff to share cake, beverages and smiles. The graduates were also able to have photos taken while wearing their caps and gowns.

Submitted by Lt. J. Micone

HDSP graduations in photos

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