Beyond the Badge, Community Involvement, Sports in CDCR

CMF Officer Duenas, brother run for charity

Four people stand on a dirt road, one of them wearing a full CDCR uniform.
From left are Sgt. Vanessa Melendez, Associate Warden Chance Andes, Correctional Officer Gilbert Duenas and cadet candidate Lorenzo Duenas.

Officers from across region run for Sacramento charity

When the Sacramento Police Department asked for help raising funds, CDCR Correctional Officer Gilbert Duenas answered. The annual 5k Run with the Cops was held Sept. 17 in Old Sacramento, raising money for the Law Enforcement Chaplaincy of Sacramento and the Sacramento Police Canine Association. Fellow CDCR employees also took part in the run as well cadet-candidate Lorenzo Duenas, younger brother of Gilbert Duenas.

“I am proud to be a correctional officer and would like to promote unity between CDCR and any other law enforcement agencies,” Duenas said. “My younger brother, Lorenzo, will be a cadet at the next Basic Correctional Officer Academy.”

The California Medical Facility officer ran in full uniform.

The 5K run and walk starts in Old Sacramento and features a course south, along the Sacramento River toward Miller Park, then loops back. The course begins and finishes in Old Sacramento near the California Railroad Museum.

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