OCR Mission & Vision Statement

VISION: Through impartial investigations, resolution of complaints, developing policy, providing technical assistance and discrimination awareness and prevention training, the OCR will administer an effective program and process for filing and investigating complaints of discrimination for all CDCR employees.

MISSION: A unified commitment to promote equal opportunities for all; creating a workplace free from discrimination and harassment through training and timely, impartial review of complaints in accordance with civil rights laws and CDCR policy.

The mission is accomplished by:

  • Clearly stating and disseminating the CDCR policy which prohibits any type of discriminatory behavior or unprofessional conduct by employees;
  • Creating and maintaining EEO training materials and oversight of training;
  • Using training and other prevention strategies to educate all employees on the impact of discrimination upon individual lives, and to ensure that all employees know their rights and responsibilities;
  • Encouraging and training supervisors and managers to handle those discrimination issues that can be handled locally and establishing clear guidelines for when a formal investigation may be necessary;
  • Establishing clear EEO accountability standards within policies for all employees and monitoring appropriate enforcement of administrative corrective actions ensuring they are enforced appropriately;
  • Developing departmental policy, procedures, reports to the SPB and DOJ statistical data to ensure compliance with state and federal law;
  • Establishing and maintaining an effective complaint processes for employees to report discrimination and to obtain information;
  • Ensuring the highest quality and most timely investigations and decisions in all formal discrimination cases;
  • Serving as liaison with the State Personnel Board, the State Department of Fair Employment and Housing and the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; and
  • Serving as an advisor to the Secretary on policy and procedure directly related to the accomplishment of the OCR mission, and in accordance with State law.