Archived Research

With changes to CDCR’s system of record, reporting formats have changed over time. CDCR no longer prepares the below reports or currently provides similar information in a different format.

Archived Population Projections

CDCR began publishing Spring and Fall Population Projections in 2000. Below are older projections; current and recent population projections can be found here

Spring Projections
2008  |  2007  |  2006  |  2005  |  2004 |  2003  |  2002  |  2001

Fall Projections
2008 2007 |  2006  |  2005  |  2004  |  2003  |  2002 |  2001  |  2000

California Prisoners and Parolees

The California Prisoners and Parolees series presented data (demographics and characteristics) regarding California’s prison population from 1851 until 2010. The series was discontinued in 2010. Similar demographics and characteristics of CDCR’s current prison population may be found in our Offender Data Points series, available by clicking here.