Division of Adult Parole Operations

Updated 4/18/20

The Division of Adult Parole Operations (DAPO) is committed to the safety of the community, staff, and those in its care. Given the increased risk associated with the use of mass/public transportation and those under parole supervision deemed a high-risk population (older adults and those with known serious chronic medical conditions), DAPO has made operational changes to support both staff and the individuals under their care and supervision.

In efforts to minimize potential impact from COVID-19, the following steps will be taken immediately:

  • All scheduled in-person parole office visits are suspended, except when statutorily required, for critical needs, or in emergencies.
  • Routinely scheduled, non-essential office visits shall be avoided at this time.
  • Parolees should contact their parole agent by phone for guidance on whether to come in.
  • Interstate transfers, travel or returns into or out of the state are suspended.
  • Work-related travel for staff that uses commercial transportation (i.e. air, train, etc.) will be limited to essential travel for operational needs and must be approved by the staff member’s hiring authority.
  • In-person training may be postponed to a later date, modified, or waived as deemed appropriate to assist with complying with guidance to limit large groups and social distancing.
  • People on parole should speak with their parole agent regarding employment and travel passes. Parolees who work for businesses that remain open and are considered “essential” may still go to work. Travel passes are reviewed on an individual basis.

At this time all parolees’ conditions of parole remain in place, with the exception of the items listed above. DAPO administrators and supervisors will assess all measures being implemented and adjust, modify, or waive required specifications as appropriate. Any questions parolees may have related to COVID-19 prevention efforts should be directed to their Parole Agent.

CDCR will continue to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and California Department of Public Health guidelines for responding to COVID-19. CDCR will maintain cooperation and communication with local and state health departments. DAPO staff are encouraged to communicate with their chain of command for questions or concerns.

Interim COVID-19 Reporting Instructions

In an effort to enhance physical distancing within the parole offices, prior to release from custody, inmates will be provided with the following temporary reporting instructions. These instructions shall be documented on the CDCR Form 611 Release Program Study, and shall be adhered to effective immediately:

  • Within the first business day, the parolee shall contact the assigned parole office as documented on the CDCR Form 611
  • The assigned Parole Agent or the Officer of the Day will provide the parolee with additional instructions or assistance
  • Parolees who are homeless, who are required to register Penal Code 290, or do not have access to a telephone shall report to the parole office within the first business day following release

Please note: Parolees who display any signs of being sick, such as having a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, will not be allowed entrance into the parole office.

The following are recommendations to avoid contracting or spreading COVID-19:

  • Avoid close contact with or exposure to those who are sick
  • Avoid touching eyes, mouth, or nose, especially with unwashed hands
  • Avoid sharing food, drinks, utensils, or toothbrushes
  • Wash hands often with soap and warm water for last least 20 seconds
  • Clean objects and surfaces that are frequently touched
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue

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